

Skill workshop building for MAN 1 Pulang Pisau, Inaugurated by the Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion

ekspostborneonews.inline /// Kabupaten Pulang Pisau (Public Relation) Head of the Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of Central Kalimantan Province H. Noor Fahmi inaugurated the MAN 1 Pulang Pisau skills workshop building.
The inauguration was marked by the cutting of the ribbon witnessed by the Head of Penmad Achmad Faricin, Head of the Ministry of Religion Pulang Pisau H. Masrani Arsyad, Head of Islamic Education Headquarters of Kemanag Pulang Pisau, Head of Madrasah, and Educational Staff of MAN 1 Pulang Pisau.

The workshop building was built using State Sharia Securities (SBSN) funds in 2021. After going through a construction process for several months, the building was declared complete, dominated by green colour.

"By saying bismillahirrahmanirrahim, I inaugurate the use of the MAN Pulang Pisau skills workshop building," said H. Noor Fahmi.

"Hopefully this building will make MAN Pulang Pisau as a high-quality and high-achieving madrasa," he added.

The new building is located on Jalan Kasturi Trans Kalimantan No. 1 RT XIV Pulang Pisau, Kahayan Hilir District, Pulang Pisau Regency. It was built with a two-story concrete construction. There are several rooms that serve as a center for coaching and developing the skills of local madrasa students.

Reporter : Rahmadi
Source : Humkemenag Central                                      Kalimantan/Maturidi

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